1. Orlando trip downpayment is due THIS FRIDAY! $200.00. Please make check payable to CHS (Chattahoochee High School).
2. Uniforms are IN! Please look for dresses and Tuxes to come home at the end of this week. Have students TRY THEM ON. Girls dresses may need to be shortened, Tuxes were already professionally altered. 3. Cheesecakes will be delivered second week of October. If you are willing to help sort, please contact me. Thank you! 4. Curriculum Scales: Concert Orchestra is working on developing a good tone with scales, bowing exercises, and vibrato and shifting exercises. We are also working on the C Major Three Octave scale this week, both ascending and descending. We have just learned the C Major arpeggio ascending and will approach the descent by the end of the month. Sinfonietta is continuing the C Major and Melodic Minor Scales and Arpeggios, ascending and descending and has begun the A Major one. Chamber Orchestra is alternating all of the scales in preparation for the the All-State orchestra auditions on October 17th. Repertoire; Concert Orchestra is working on A Knight's Quest which involves advanced bowing techniques and ensemble issues, and Arabian Dreams, which incorporates the Harmonic and Natural Minor Scales. We are also focusing on intonation and tone. Sinfonietta is working on Pyramids and a Celtic Medley. In this orchestra we are focusing on sight reading complex rhythms, and how to solve and decode difficult syncopated rhythmic passages. Chamber Orchestra is working on Advanced String Techniques and stylistic considerations of the Common Practice Period. We are working on a Neo-classical work by Mendelssohn (Symphony No. 10), and The Holberb Suite by Grieg. We are practicing balancing the ensemble and blending our tones, as well as our tone and bow control.
Honor Orchestra Deadline: October 8th $10.00 to audition. Click here for the website with the information and the excerpts:
http://www.johnscreekorchestra.com/fulton_county_honor/honorevent_home.html |
AuthorMs. Buonamici, |