Triads 7th Chords and InversionsUNIT TEST: April 15th
This week we are learning about triads: major, minor, augmented, and diminished and the five categories of 7th Chords: major seventh, minor seventh, dominant 7th, half-diminshed seventh and fully-diminished 7th chords. We are also learning the inversions. We will have a unit test on Thursday, October 2nd. Test contents: All Triads and 7th chords and how to build them in thirds. The following charts must be memorized: M = I ii iii IV V vi viio I m = i iio III iv V VI viio i M7 = I7 ii7 iii7 IV7 V7 vi7 vii /o7 m7 = i7 ii o/7 III7 iv7 V7 VI7 viio7 Triads 7th Chords r 3 5 r 3 5 7 6 6 7 6 4 4 4 5 3 2